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Can a Snore Guard Mouthpiece Help You?

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Because snoring is such a widespread problem, it’s not uncommon for people to ignore it completely. On the other hand, others may regard snoring as a serious issue and seek treatment. Fortunately, there are effective ways to minimize or eliminate snoring. The usage of a snore guard mouthpiece is one of the most basic anti-snoring treatments. Snore guards are mouthpieces that are designed to assist people in stopping snoring. For each individual, not every snoring guard will be successful.

On the other hand, Snore guards are an excellent approach to significantly reducing the likelihood of snoring. So, how does a snore-guard mouthpiece keep you from snoring? Furthermore, what benefits can a person get from utilizing a snore guard and not snoring every night?

What Is Snoring and Why Does It Happen?

Snoring is, in general, a rather easy process. When you hear someone snore, you’re experiencing turbulence and resistance in their upper airway. Many people believe that snoring emanates from the nose, but this is not the case. A blockage causes snoring in the rear of the person’s airway rather than a blockage in the nose. The back of the throat muscles relaxes, restricting the airway. These muscles support the tongue, uvula, soft palate, and tonsils. Snoring is the result of these muscles becoming inhibited during sleeping.

A symptom of sleep apnea is snoring.

Snoring isn’t always wholly harmless, as it turns out. Snoring can indicate sleep apnea, which is a sleep-breathing problem. People with sleep apnea will have periodic pauses in their breathing while sleeping. Naturally, if the condition isn’t adequately controlled, this can be harmful. These pauses in breathing can last up to 10 seconds, and the person’s brain will wake up owing to the lack of blood oxygen. This causes the snorting or gasping sound commonly linked with sleep apnea.

What are snore guards?

Snore guards are designed to assist people in stopping snoring while sleeping. These devices are designed to fit over the top of the upper dental arch. The jaw will not recede as a result of this. The tongue will then look for a gap between the upper and lower sections of the guard. As long as the snore guard is in place, the throat’s air route will remain open.

What Is the procedure for getting a snore guard?

Before acquiring a snoring guard, you must first visit the Bow River Dental. This will allow us to take imprints of your mouth, which will be transported to a laboratory where your custom snoring guard will be created. Your mouthguard must be made just for you. It will be both effective and comfy in this manner. You can return to our office for a fitting after we receive the snoring guard. Your snoring guard will be properly fitted and comfortable to use.

Do you snore and feel that a snore-guard mouthpiece might be the best option for you? Visit your NW Calgary dentist at Bow River Dental. Call us at 403 247 0999 to book an appointment.